The Research Associate Group Inc

About Us

The RA Group


The RA Group specializes in clinical research monitoring, seamlessly blending consultancy with hands-on implementation to ensure trial success. We elevate quality, empower your research journey, and get clinical trials on the right track.

With knowledge and experience, we stand as candid, specialized mentors. We provide our partners with the guiding touch they need, acting as their compass towards assured success.


Mission & Vision

Our Purpose


The RA Group is a dedicated team passionate about making a difference that specializes in offering top-notch consulting and implementation to clinical organizations. Through the team’s wealth of experience, we’re not just consultants; we’re partners, working hand-in-hand to enhance quality, bridge gaps, and ensure the success of clinical trial execution.

Our purpose is to infuse expertise and excellence into every facet of our clients’ clinical trial operations, processes, and outcomes. We are deeply committed to consistently delivering exceptional services and resources, with the aim of standing as your trusted industry ally. By fostering trust and instilling confidence, we enable clients to conduct successful clinical research trials with clarity and assurance.

Our Leadership

Melody Keel
President & Founder
The Research Associate Group, Inc.

Melody Keel, President

As the President and Founder of The Research Associate Group, Melody Keel is an industry expert in operationalizing clinical trials and has been engaged in operations for the past 20 years in various team and leadership roles. Trusted for her expertise in clinical study project management, optimizing enrollment trajectories and budget allocation, along with her big picture understanding of regulatory environments, Melody successfully navigates challenges to ensure programs progress smoothly through the clinical study life cycle. Her expertise lies in mentoring and managing teams, internal and external, to collaborate efficiently to successfully deliver milestones scoped to the clinical operations team.

With a passion for advancing medical research and supporting the professionals who make it possible, Melody started The Clinical Trial Mentor, providing current and aspiring clinical research professionals with the guidance, resources, and practical support they need to navigate the complexities of the industry and thrive in their careers.

Recognizing the importance of sharing insights and experiences from those working behind the scenes in clinical trials, Melody is launching "The Clinical Trial Insider: Real Talk with the Real People Behind Clinical Trials." This groundbreaking podcast will feature candid conversations with industry experts, offering listeners a unique perspective on the challenges, triumphs, and innovations shaping the world of clinical research.

Throughout her career, Melody has demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence, collaboration, and innovation. Her deep understanding of the clinical research landscape, combined with her entrepreneurial spirit and leadership skills, has positioned her as a trusted advisor and mentor to professionals at all stages of their careers.

With her unwavering dedication to advancing clinical research, supporting industry professionals, and driving meaningful change, Melody Keel is intentional and committed to make a lasting impact on the future of research that improves patients’ lives and the people she has the privilege of serving.